What Side are you on?
I have been asked that question a lot this last week. As the mid-terms approach the talk on social
media has heightened, and unlike my position in 2020, I have tried to stay away
from the discussions – although not entirely with success and that fault is
mine. I have blocked friends who openly
displayed hate to candidates and supporters because I realized even my attempt
to calm the rhetoric was being met with even more vitriol. And it is not just the Right as some may
assume. My friends on the Left have been
just as mean and spiteful. So, when I have been asked “What Side Are You On?” The
response is easy – Mine.
I truly consider myself an Independent.
When I say that I am almost always asked: “So what does that mean?”
To me it means that I look at what each candidate stands for I go online and
review their voting record, and then I compare it to the values I hold. Seldom (in fact never) has any one candidate
aligned with everything I believe, so, I try and find the one whose values do
best align and hopefully they have no positions against those values I hold
most dear and which I will never compromise upon.
Three friends (two Republican and one Democrat) told me that I can’t do
that. That we have a two-party system
and I need to choose. My response to
that is: “Not in the America I believe in and support. The one to which I took an oath to
defend. In that America I get to choose THE
INDIVIDUAL for whom I vote.”
If either party had a platform in which I believed (heck – if they even had a
platform) – then I would vote party. But
sadly, that is not the case, especially in these strongly divided times where
it appears to me they both decided to walk to opposite sides of a field just so
they could turn around and take aim, then shoot at each other like a duel. No attempt to find common ground because the
word compromise is now synonymous with surrender.
Most people really aren’t interested in what other believe – most want an ‘Echo
Chamber’. And most, already know their
opinion cannot be swayed – even by facts… or that they cannot sway others –
even by facts. They just want edification for their values so they can feel
better. That is no longer a game I wish
to play in a public forum. If anyone
REALLY is interested in my position on things and why I feel that way… If
anyone does want to dialog and discuss (not debate) with a chance we may
enlighten each other then please DM me or go see my blog (noparadigms.org).
I will close on this. Vote.
That – not the echo chamber of social media – is how your voice is truly heard.
Vote your beliefs – your personal beliefs.
For me voting is not a ‘Team Effort’ but a statement of who I am what I believe
in and would stand and defend.
So whatever your beliefs – please vote.