Showing posts with label Perspective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perspective. Show all posts

Friday, November 4, 2022

Whose Side Are You On?


What Side are you on?

I have been asked that question a lot this last week.  As the mid-terms approach the talk on social media has heightened, and unlike my position in 2020, I have tried to stay away from the discussions – although not entirely with success and that fault is mine.  I have blocked friends who openly displayed hate to candidates and supporters because I realized even my attempt to calm the rhetoric was being met with even more vitriol.  And it is not just the Right as some may assume.  My friends on the Left have been just as mean and spiteful. So, when I have been asked “What Side Are You On?” The response is easy – Mine.

I truly consider myself an Independent.  When I say that I am almost always asked: “So what does that mean?”

To me it means that I look at what each candidate stands for I go online and review their voting record, and then I compare it to the values I hold.  Seldom (in fact never) has any one candidate aligned with everything I believe, so, I try and find the one whose values do best align and hopefully they have no positions against those values I hold most dear and which I will never compromise upon.

Three friends (two Republican and one Democrat) told me that I can’t do that.  That we have a two-party system and I need to choose.  My response to that is: “Not in the America I believe in and support.  The one to which I took an oath to defend.  In that America I get to choose THE INDIVIDUAL for whom I vote.”

If either party had a platform in which I believed (heck – if they even had a platform) – then I would vote party.  But sadly, that is not the case, especially in these strongly divided times where it appears to me they both decided to walk to opposite sides of a field just so they could turn around and take aim, then shoot at each other like a duel.  No attempt to find common ground because the word compromise is now synonymous with surrender.

Most people really aren’t interested in what other believe – most want an ‘Echo Chamber’.  And most, already know their opinion cannot be swayed – even by facts… or that they cannot sway others – even by facts. They just want edification for their values so they can feel better.  That is no longer a game I wish to play in a public forum.  If anyone REALLY is interested in my position on things and why I feel that way… If anyone does want to dialog and discuss (not debate) with a chance we may enlighten each other then please DM me or go see my blog (

I will close on this. Vote.
That – not the echo chamber of social media – is how your voice is truly heard.
Vote your beliefs – your personal beliefs.
For me voting is not a ‘Team Effort’ but a statement of who I am what I believe in and would stand and defend.
So whatever your beliefs – please vote.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Immigration Reform - Let the People Do Something

It seems to me that for once Americans have something in common. Immigration Reform. Granted we may disagree on what that is, but I think we all feel it is long overdue. So, let’s do something about it. Let’s use the one weapon we have at a time when it is most effective – right before an election.

I am asking everyone who reads this to contact their Congressman, Senator, Governor and then the President by text AND by email AND by heck even by snail mail. Let them know just this:
“We the People want both parties to work together to resolve this immigration issue. We want to see action born out of cooperation and negotiation between the political parties, between the states and between the states and the Federal government.”

Send this as a text to them and let them know that those who don’t cooperate to solve a national AND humanitarian issue will not receive your vote.

Now I don’t proclaim this will work and that if it does that it will result in precisely what you believe immigration should be, but at least something will get done after decades of inaction and political show boating by both political parties.

But what it may do is remind them that we do have power.
That each vote TOGETHER can create victory or defeat.

Short term protests seldom do anything after a few days. People forget and move on to the next news issue. But our collective vote stings from election to election. It leaves a mark that lasts. As a person we are often ignored but as a people united, we cannot be ignored.
So, I ask you again to send that TEXT, EMAIL, CALL, SNAIL MAIL – heck do them all and tell them you want a SUMMIT of elected officials to get together and do SOMETHING to show us they can work together for the COMMON WELFARE of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

I am sending mine right now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Student Loan Forgiveness

 Student Loan Forgiveness

I have been involved in several FB discussions on this issue and asked by several (via DM) what my view is regarding this issue. So, to avoid a number of return DM's here is my view.

My opinion - we need to start treating public colleges as a continuation of public schools. If a person wants to go to college for 4 years, I am for that, as we need more teachers, nurses, doctors, engineers etc. the list goes on... Similarly, I feel this should apply to technical school as well, because we need plumbers, electricians, carpenters, machinists, etc.
Before public schools were created only the rich could be educated leaving opportunity out of the equation for the masses. Today education beyond Highschool is (in my opinion) in a similar situation. Either you are part of the 1% and have no need to worry or:
> you don't go to further your education.
> or you owe so much in debt its decades until you are free to buy a home raise a family etc.

Now I know a number of people out there - especially my age - will say" "Well I did it so why can't they?"

To me that sounds like: "Bitter-bus Party of 1 please"
When you feel that people need to suffer as you did, well to me that is just sad. Again - my opinion.

Now this doesn't mean that I think a person may go to college for as many years as they want until they get a degree or to a technical college jumping from craft to craft.
Nor do I think you just hand them monies to use on anything they want. I'd like to see safeguards to ensure the monies ONLY go to the public approved institution and only so much in total. If they go beyond that then that cost is their burden.
I won't elaborate on what I think those safeguards should be... no one wants to read any more of this than they likely have.

I will close by saying this... My wife wanted to go into Social Work after the children were in school. To do that she had to acquire her BS and a master's degree. We incurred that cost. 3 of our 4 children went to college another became a Chef... they incurred that cost. So, my family and I get it, we understand that those who follow us might have it easier. Last I looked - that's what is called progress. Very similar to when the first public schools were created to give opportunity to those less affluent.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Respecting the Rule of Law

 I have 2 friends in the FBI - they are noble and country loving people. I saw the FBI in action during my military years do what is right for America - per their oath.

I have friends who wear the blue - honorable people who defend us daily at the risk of their lives and for less money than people far less likely to ever save me make.

Can there be corrupt people - yes.
Might they be at elevated levels - history says so.
But history also tells us not to assume that we know all the facts...
> Theodore Roosevelt established the bureau in 1908 and was accused of doing it to spy on other politicians. He said: "Yes because some of you are criminals." and they were.

> The bureau became involved in that acutely political phenomenon of 1919-'20, the (first) Red Scare. Going in a conservative direction that is associated with the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover, who directed the anti-radical division before heading the bureau from 1924 until his death in 1972. Inclusive of Martin Luther King.

> Recently James Comey affected the 2020 election by implicating Hillary Clinton

My point is that leadership, and those in the law, can and do make mistakes, they also sometimes get it right. But WE won't know until all the information is out and for us to yell - defund the FBI and eliminate the DOJ. is wrong and irresponsible

Are there bad police, bad FBI agents? - likely - the police and FBI is made of people and people, well sometimes have biases/issues. But we shouldn't yell - destroy the Police like Marjorie Taylor Greene is doing to the FBI.

We wait, we listen, we the people seek the truth and abide by rule of law. We must not be the SENSELESS MOB reacting and ready to lynch someone. We're supposed to be better than that as, religious people, as Americans.

And IF... IF... we find misconduct - we work to change it under the rule of that very same law that was misused by those who abused their power.  We hear this all the time: "No one is above the law."  It isn't always true, but we strive to get it as close to true as possible.
We must not be the senseless mob.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The American Constitution - Change it? NO!

 Two days ago, I read several articles about people with power and authority in various states that want to re-write the Constitution.  So, I posted this...

Good afternoon - looking for some responses to this post. I came across several articles that mention a number of states desire to convene a Constitutional Convention with the idea of changing our Constitution. I am supplying a few links (Some with some 'vintage') for your review (should you be interested). The push has come mostly from Republicans but NOT exclusively... but my simple question is this...
Should the Constitution be changed?

The links I mention will be at the end of this post.

I was surprised at the few responses I received.  My favorite from a friend was simply "NO", and I agree with their sentiment.  The American Constitution, while an amazing document, is not flawless.  Written by powerful, well-educated men of their time it contains implied views and words that in today' jargon may be misconstrued.  For that reason, they allowed the inclusion of amendments so that this fine document could evolve over time using a process that allows the people to decide throughout the country if any change is needed.  It even has the built-in safeguard of allowing an amendment to correct a badly placed amendment that does not reflect the will of the people.  My example of that is the 18th Amendment AKA Prohibition (1919) which restricted alcohol manufacture and distribution for consumption.  It was later overturned by the 21st Amendment (1933) because the American people decided that was not what they really wanted... mistake corrected

Overall, Amendments can give rights and privileges or regulate certain areas of the nation or Government. These Amendments can be implemented at any time but require serious consideration and formal voting from the entirety of Congress, and then the various states of the United States.  They allow the Constitution to evolve at a pace and with safeguards to ensure they reflect the true will of the people, sometimes after the people realize they made an error.  To change the core of the constitution lends itself to a possibility of not being able to change this fine document.  That those in power at the time - or even the mood of the people - may change it so that it can no longer be changed and thus end the America we know. 

No, the risk is to great to change the fundamental document. Instead leave the Amendment process. It is rigorous and yet flexible.

The links mentioned:

Sunday, July 24, 2022

We no longer have Truly Free Speech - We Traded it for Social Media Monologs

The future many my age envisioned and now live in is not that bad. Granted there appears to be more incivility than when we were young, and there are many concerned that the United States is at a breaking point... but that believe that appearance may be because of the same social media that allows so many of us to pleasantly connect with pictures of food, fun and family.

When some cranky person got mad in the 50s, and up to the 90s, they could only reach a handful of people so their anger - their wrath was buffered by distance and often limited in audience to people within their local community or bar. But now they can share it with hundreds to thousands with a few keystrokes, and only hear their side should they choose.
From my perspective we are living in the future we, as children, envisioned (well except for flying cars). All the wonder that was written in newspapers and books and illustrations... we have them now and science that allows cancer victims (like me) who had a 99% fatal rate in 1960) to be alive and enjoying grandchildren today.
Yes - there is great division within the United States today and far less civility, but I believe that it is because of social media.
People talk of all the killings and argue about the 2nd amendment. and that is a discussion worth truly having. But for me it is the 1st amendment that is the weapon killing our civility and ability to properly 'chat' today. With less frequency do we look into the eyes of the person (or people) with whom we speak and see their body language as we talk. With less frequency do we sit across from each other and hear the stress, anxiety or fear in their voice as we talk about an issue. We cannot use our full 5 senses when we communicate via social media and therefore do not see the passion for a cause, or the pain of a loss, sincerity for their beliefs, and fears, or other factors that may be driving them. Without these human clues as part of our conversation we lose our ability to fully see their side - their perspective. We lose empathy.
There are few people more for free speech than I am, but I fear this expanded use of social media has taken our truly Free Speech away and removed us from true dialog to mostly monolog - like I am doing now. It also allows us to get 'likes' which makes us feel better about ourself and view while we can attack those who oppose us without repercussions and rebuttal often supported by anonymous angry people that prevent us from LISTENING to another opinion.
Instead of attempting to understand (not necessarily relent) we hunker down with our often anonymous 'friends'. we don't research the others' views because it is easier and more comfortable within the blanket of shared opinion.
But I have monologed and digress...
It is a beautiful world and people are mostly good. I believe that. We just need to re-learn to listen - truly listen - to them with civility.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

What is "Their America?"

 When I log into Facebook or Twitter, I see friends and those I follow from both sides expressing their concern over some aspect of the other they do not like.  But what I'd really like to see is someone come out and describe what they feel America should be? In their view not what they don't like but what is is they do like?

Let me provide an example based upon my views:

RE: Free Speech

  • I want an America where free speech is OK as long as it does not threaten the welfare or well-being of anyone.

  • This Free Speech means that opposing groups may face off and loudly express their opposition but never physically engage the other side.

  • An America where the moment violence overtakes a peaceful protest, the protest is stopped and those who were violent are caught and prosecuted, ideally with the help and support of those who were peaceful.

  • That as individuals and as a nation we treat each other with civility.  That we do not intimidate others for their view(s).  
    If we intimidate or through violence disparage or prevent other views then are we not fascist or authoritarian and against the very Constitution that founded this great land?
RE: 2nd Amendment Rights
  •  I described this in detail in a previous post "Why is Gun Death different?", so I won't do it again here.  In simple summary - I believe everyone should be allowed to have and carry any gun they want with training and registration.
RE: Immigration
For me to address this I need to ask a question:
Why don't you want aliens here in the US?
  • Is it out of fear?  And if it is what fear? 
    Fear of losing your majority in population and vote?
    Fear of the United States losing its previous 'culture'?
    Fear of crime or disease?
    Fear of more people on welfare?
    Seriously what is your fear - if it is fear that drives you against immigrants and let's talk about that first.

  • Is it out of hate for those of different culture, color, religion?

  • Or is it based upon some economic rationale.
Until we define why we are against something we can not properly respond to addressing it.
  • I am for open borders and putting all those people to work in factories, healthcare, agriculture, service industry etc.  Just as my grandfather did when he came here in 1916.  You want made in the USA then you need immigrants who are not part of the entitled youth and willing to work for a better life versus having it handed to them like too many today.

RE: Religious Freedom
I have nothing to add here, the Constitution is clear.  All religions are welcome. In fact, religion per se is mentioned only twice in the constitution. Once where it states that there shall be no religious tests for office, and in the first amendment where it states Congress shall pass no law affecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Zero.

RE: Abortion versus A Woman's Right to Choose
While I personally am against abortion in my America abortion is legal with these criteria:
  • A man bears fully equal responsibility and burden for the pregnancy.

  • Once the fetus is viable outside the womb (hence a baby) abortions after this are prohibited.
    This point will change over time as science improves healthcare.

  • If a woman wishes to carry the child or must do so per the bullet point above she has the right to place it for adoption or keep it.

  • If she decides to keep it the man must have 50% of the time with the child so that the woman may pursue a career with as much opportunity as the man.  The woman may absolve a man of this obligation in favor of select child support.

  • Should the woman decide to place the child for adoption the man (father) of the child has a right to the child first.

If anyone reads this and wants further clarifications, please write and ask... and THAT is my point.  I want to know what America these so called 'patriots' want.  What is their vision?  Only when we each know what the other wants can we work to find common accepted ground via respectful - civil - negotiation.
If we only attack the things we don't like we can't often see that in (hopefully) a majority of areas, we agree and move from that point to achieve resolution. 
Enough of the "All or Nothing / Win or Lose" mentality

Saturday, June 25, 2022

My View on A Woman's Right to Chose

 I need to start off by explaining that my wife and I both do not favor abortion.  I won't get into details, but it was a decision we had to make almost 40 years ago, and we chose to keep our child.

But that was our decision, a very personal and tough decision with feelings and surrounding current and future aspects unique to us at that specific time.  For us - today - to use our experience or belief to force a woman to carry to term seems unconscionable. 

So what is the answer to those who feel a woman should have the right to choose (as I do) or the rights of the unborn to live.  That is again beyond my ken.  But what I do believe is that is the State forces a woman to carry to term, the weight of all that entails must not be solely upon her.  The father MUST have equal ramifications and not just for cost - which while not an easy burden is far easier than the 24/7365 care of another human being and which far too many men avoid within a system that does not pursue that crime vigorously.

No - I think if the woman is forced to bear the child and does not want that child the father MUST then be fully responsible (as she would have been).  Why place the decision upon her alone?  Offer him the same financial support (which is often minimal) and same physical and economic burden of missing work because of sickness or school etc.  I would assume that the vast majority of fathers faced with this would promptly place the child into adoption.  This would place great burden upon the State and a foster and adoption system that is in many cases an afterthought and underfunded and staffed.

It is so easy to say that someone MUST do something when there is no burden upon those saying it should be done.  Its too easy for fathers to be a 'side note' in the process.

In my opinion if you want to force a woman to carry then bring back shotgun weddings.  Society places too much burden upon the woman when we all know that it takes two people equal responsibility for creation.

Creation - now there is an ambiguous term.  People use it to say that is the start of life - but is it?  I can create a work of art but not complete it... I start a story but never finish the novel.  When is life living?  Some say with a heartbeat; that we use heartbeat to determine death why not life.  My response to that is that the person was already alive and could with medical intervention remain alive.  So why not use that same logic with life at the beginning?  If - with medical intervention a fetus can be successfully developed and grow into a viable normal individual - use that as the basis for when life begins?  If you removed the fetus from the womb at 1 month could we possibly keep it alive?  3 months, 6 months?  and would that life be marred by illness that you wouldn't wish upon ANY child?  
We need to discuss these things and consider them not from a singular viewpoint but from multiple views.  

Sunday, May 29, 2022

We don't need Gun Control

 It really shouldn't be about gun control.  

I am a firm Constitutionalist and so I support the 2nd Amendment fully. I support the state's right to allow conceal carry if that is what the constituency desires. What I don't understand is why we regulate other things more closely.

Cars kill approximately 43,000 people a year
Poisonings in the home kill 51,000 people a year
Food Poisoning 10,000 per year
We regulate these extensively and have vast and numerous safeguards because we believe them important.
Gun deaths approach 45,000 per year and yet we do little by State or Federal law to really control who has them and their eligibility to use them.
To drive a car requires:
> Passing an initial test
> Requalification for the license to drive at a state designated interval which includes:
       - Eye/vision exam
> If a car title is passed (via sale) it must go through the state.
> The qualifications vary by vehicle type (for obvious reasons)
> Food is (by state agreement) covered by the FDA and must pass and maintain specific guidelines from     packaging to lot control.
We put more regulation and safety on Tide Pods and a Tylenol bottle than we do on the purchase of a gun.
I fully support the 2nd Amendment and right to bear arms. I really do! And if the states allow people to have assault guns and conceal carry because that is what the voters in that state want - then fine.
But why not:
> Eliminate straw gun sales
> That each gun is registered with its owner and if sold the 'title' is monitored.
> That a test is required to get a license to carry a gun (that I hope includes an eye exam at minimum) and includes instruction on how to clean a gun, lock and safely keep a firearm away from children, the proper state laws to carry a firearm and ensure the person is qualified for its use.
> That this qualification be based upon the type of gun(s) owned. There are different tests and criteria for motorcycle, passenger vehicle and semi-trucks... why not have similar testing and training for firearms of different types?
And why not have a federal data base for State-to-State sales (just like cars). The State's laws will regulate use BUT at least they would know of the gun's owner and qualifications via the state that gun 'resides'
There are 287,000,000 registered cars in the United States. And as I mentioned previously, states require registration and testing etc. and with that there are still approximately 43 thousand deaths a year. How much worse would it be if we let people drive cars as they wield guns?
There are an estimated 393,000,000 (393 million) guns in civilian hands in the US. An average of 5 guns per gun owner.
I know that better regulation and registration will not end gun deaths - no more than it does deaths by car. But if it brings it down even a small percentage - even if it saves the death of one child (and likely more) than why not? We don't need to ban guns. But to help ensure the qualifications of the individual why not train and test?

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Why is Gun Death different?

 Yesterday another mass shooting of children, and we are all outraged - supposedly.  Yes, we all state that our Thoughts & Prayers are with those fallen and their families.  But - as so many memes highlighted today - not our actions and results.

I am a firm Constitutionalist and so I support the 2nd Amendment fully.  I support the state's right to allow conceal carry if that is what the constituency desires.  What I don't understand is why we regulate other things more closely.
Cars kill approximately 43,000 people a year
Poisonings in the home kill 51,000 people a year
Food Poisoning 10,000 per year

We regulate these extensively and have vast and numerous safeguards because we believe them important.

Gun deaths approach 45,000 per year and yet we do little by State or Federal law to really control who has them and their eligibility to use them.

To drive a car requires:

  • Training
  • Passing an initial test
  • Requalification for the license to drive at a state designated interval which includes:
    • Eye/vision exam
  • If a car title is passed (via sale) it must go through the state.
  • The qualifications vary by vehicle type (for obvious reasons)
Food is (by state agreement) covered by the FDA and must pass and maintain specific guidelines from packaging to lot control.

We put more regulation and safety on Tide Pods and a Tylenol bottle than we do on the purchase of a gun.

I fully support the 2nd Amendment and right to bear arms.  And if the states allow people to have assault guns and conceal carry because that is what the voters want - then fine.
But why not:
  • Eliminate straw gun sales
  • That each gun is registered with its owner and if sold the 'title' is monitored.
  • That a test is required to get a license to carry a gun (that I hope includes an eye exam at minimum) how to clean a gun, carry a firearm and ensure the person is qualified for its use.
    That this qualification is based upon the type of gun(s) owned.
  • And why not have a federal data base for State-to-State sales (just like cars).  The State's laws will regulate use BUT at least they would know of the gun's owner and qualifications via the state that gun 'resides'
There are 287,000,000 registered cars in the United States.  And as I mentioned previously, states require registration and testing etc. and with that there are still approximately 43 thousand deaths a year.  How much worse would it be if we let people drive cars as they wield guns?
There are an estimated 393,000,000 (393 million) guns in civilian hands in the US. An average of 5 guns per gun owner.  
I know that better regulation and registration will not end gun deaths - no more than it does deaths by car.  But if it brings it down even a small percentage - even if it saves the death of one child (and likely more) than why not?

I welcome your viewpoint to this post.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

I guess its True - Haters will hate

 Recently I saw some posts on social media (FB & Twitter) that slammed President Biden for the elevated gas prices.  Now right upfront I am no Biden fan (even though I think his term came within a shit-storm).  In my opinion he has handled it - well - like an old man, and being one myself I guess I can see that clearly.
What bothers me though is the posting of falsehoods as memes etc that only fuel erroneous fires within people and further divide our country and hurt democracy.  Elevated gas prices are NOT under the control of the President - regardless of Republican or Democrat.  It is driven by global pressures and pricing and there is not much the President (any President) can do other than bask in the glory when prices are low and take the heat when prices are high.  
I voiced this opinion on line and was yelled at until I posted a number of charts and links (which no one reads because they don't want their belief challenged by data and references to multiple sources).  After the posting of the charts I stated that they should try NOT to alter facts to suit their bias but instead read more - research more so their vote us cast properly and be born of reason versus dislike "because".
But I found out that haters just want to hate.  They would rather ignore information than face reality.  They prefer their hate over reason and will just not look at the information... even to the point where they can review it and perhaps challenge it!  They just don't want to even suspect they might be wrong about something.  
Personally I don't get it.  I like being challenged because if I can defend my position then perhaps I am closer to the truth, and if I cannot defend it then I am hopefully directed toward the truth and can through research and reading find the answers so that I make the best decision.  But it appears there are few of me (on either side Left or Right) that subscribe to this form of self-reflection.   
I am reminded of the line from Dune (Frank Herbert)  "Fear is the mind killer"

Whole context: “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

I think in today's world people are driven more by fear than reason.  Maybe I am naive and its always been that way.  But I am saddened by that.  That fear of being wrong prevents us from finding truth.

What follows are the data I posted on why Presidents DON"T control gas prices and OIL production.  I hope you (someone) reads it and finds truth in it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Maybe We Were Always this Angry

 It appears Roe vs Wade will be overturned.  The vitriol I see on Twitter and Facebook is alarming from both sides.  It's not dissent, disagreement or discussion... but gloating and badgering and "in your face" from the right and name calling and slandering from the left.  I suppose that is why I have self-limited the frequency I review them to once - perhaps twice in a day and then only for a very small amount of time.  There are a few posts that respectfully / civilly present their point and counterpoint, but they are by far the distinct minority.
And maybe we have always been this angry.  Maybe there just was no global forum for so many to so openly spew their anger.  I no longer am sure, but I thought that before social media these discussions happened but in bars, restaurants, people's homes and I thought they were more civil more controlled - even more thoughtful - but perhaps the anger was there.  It was just contained and restrained by being in public, within physical reach of other people.  

As for me I am not angry - I am sad.  I fear a world that will become vigorously regulated.  I think out of fear of change people are giving up their freedoms and not realizing it.  I told Linda last night to prepare herself for at least 6 years of strong conservative laws and actions... maybe 10 years.  She is by far more liberal than I but we share a love of freedom and I think those who supported Trump and so many hard right ideas are afraid of change and want the days of Mayberry and Andy Griffith without realizing that in a global world Mayberry was a small island and fictional.  

I think fear has prompted anger and hate without people realizing it.

But that is a discussion for another day.  

Thursday, April 21, 2022


I do not care if you are for or against Florida House Bill 1557

I don't care if you like or dislike Gov. DeSantis

I don't care if you are pro or con Disney

But I do care about Government suppression of opinion... Freedom of Speech

Why do I not hear voices from all sides upset that the Florida State Government wishes to punish Disney (a publicly traded company) and Bob Chapek (CEO Disney) for their opinion on Florida House Bill 1557?  Why isn't every American upset in such an attack on the 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Yes - this is the Florida State Government and not the Congress of the United States; but why aren't we upset that ANY GOVERNMENT... local, county, state or federal should impose actions against ANY VOICE expressing an opposite opinion?  Isn't that a form of suppression? Extortion (NOUN the practice of obtaining something, through force or threats)?  Worse...  the prelude to Autocracy!

Proud Boys --- ANTIFA; this is the one aspect of America that you should agree upon, that ALL AMERICANS should agree upon.  For when you are OK with any government silencing an opinion you disagree with - then how long before that same government silences your opinion?

The voice of Disney, or Bob Chapek, is no more important than your voice or mine but it is louder, and because of its power it upset the Governor enough to retaliate with actions that would never have been applied if their opinion was the same as theirs or (perhaps better yet) silent.  

Those who know me - know I believe in the United States system of government and that I am an ardent capitalist.  So why not let the system work as designed?  If Floridians want House Bill 1557 then they vote to keep those electors in office.  If people oppose Disney's views, they can choose to NOT partake of their amusement parks, movies and television.  Money is the great weapon of the public.

We often hear about attacks on the 2nd Amendment, and I agree it must be protected.  But there is a reason Freedom of Speech is the 1st amendment.  It is a greater weapon than the gun and one that every American has access to exercise without impunity - at least so far.

If you are a Floridian, I implore you to write your representatives at all levels - including the Governor - and tell them that any infringement upon freedom of speech is a true attack on democracy.  If you are not a Floridian, write your representatives anyway and let them know that these actions must never be mirrored in your state.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

What do I consider Patriotism?

When I am in discussions with people, one of the most common things I hear from my conservative friends is: "Well, one thing I do know.  I'm a patriot." 

Now let me state this first, that as I write this, I realize that I have never heard from one of my liberal friends that they were patriots.  Rest assured next time we talk politics I will ask them about that. And please, please! don't assume because they have never said they were patriots doesn't mean they aren't.  You don't have to say what you are to be what you are.  But it is a question I will ask in the future.

So... back to my conservative "I am a patriot" friends. To some I have responded with: "What kind of patriot are you?"  And there, THERE... is where it got sticky.  See by definition a patriot is:

  1. a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors:
    "a true patriot"
So that means there are patriots in North Korea, Russia, China - every country has its patriots.  So you could then be a patriot to Socialism, Communism, Authoritarianism.  When I brough that up each one responded but I'm an American patriot.  I would then ask: "What is your definition / idea of America?"
"How would you define America, How do you see it?"  Again it got sticky... Some saw it as the 1950's version in which I grew up.  The term then was 'nuclear family'.  Some saw and described it in the Reagan 80's and some see it today as Trump's America (although not a one could define what that was).

So then they retorted: "OK -  how do  you see America?  How do you define it?"  For those who know me, seldom do I ask a question of that ilk without having my response ready.  I respond:
"America, to me, is the Constitution applied with equity to all; in a capitalist economy that promotes and rewards individual creativity and achievement without the greed and avarice we see in the 1% today."  Then I add this definition of capitalism:
  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state:
    "an era of free-market capitalism" · 
    private enterprise · free enterprise · private ownership
  2. I amend my definition of America by adding that I fully believe that creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs MUST be allowed to reap the financial rewards of their efforts.  But I also feel that too many - take so much more than they can ever use or need.  That they could willingly share the fruits of their genius to enhance the lives of so many (a topic I'll discuss further in Capitalism - what it is to me
  3. But economics aside, to me America is the Constitution and that is best described in the Preamble.  When I enlisted in the Air Force, I didn't do it because of the draft.  My draft number when called was in the 300's.  I did it because I wanted to serve.  I love America - my immigrant grandfather imbued me with that love of the country that took him in at 16 and allowed him a better life than he could ever have had in Italy at that time.  I enlisted in the Air force wanting to be a medic but because of my test scores I was assigned to Nuclear Weapons.  In 1970 you weren't given a choice.  Anyway, I took my oath:
  4. “I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me, God.”
  5. I enlisted at 18 and honestly had no clue about the Constitution.  After I took the oath, I decided to read it and was overwhelmed by its depth and complexity.  But I did understand the Preamble:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

So I was (and am) a patriot to the America that this Constitution established.  Initially it was to the Preamble, but as I matured and read more of the Constitution and Amendments and worked to understand them I became (and still am) an American Constitutional patriot.  When I fly my flag, this is what I feel and see.  When I see military personnel, this is what I feel and see.  
But as I see the greatness that is America I also see the things we have done that - well - we could have , should have done better.  And being an American Constitutional patriot I try, within what I can, to help America be better.  
In my opinion, a patriot doesn't see America as perfect, they see it as so many describe it... a GREAT EXPERIMENT.  A form of government flawed by the people who vote in it - for we elect those who lead us.  I am still willing to die for that America against any enemy - foreign... or domestic.
The easy ones to see are those who are outside our borders.  But the ones inside who would alter or ignore the premises of the Preamble, the Constitution, and its Amendments.  They are the greater and more subtle threat.  Those who would go back to the 1950's or earlier, to "better times" that were only better for them and not for ALL.
So now I hope you know what type of patriot I am, what type are you?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Show me the PROOF! Tired of Election Fraud Talk

 I had this discussion with a friend on social media.  He sent me this link and it was interesting and what follows is my response.

So, I read that and here is my response...

Wow! That was a fascinating article. Loved the detail and historical content. But I feel it falls short of being relevant to the 2020 election. With one of its initial statements: The scenario is familiar. A presidential election ends with uncertain results. I know many call the election fraudulent, and as I have stated before, if anyone presented evidence of voter fraud I would stand actively and insist Joe Biden be removed. But again, and again audits (both state run and privately run) have failed to find sufficient voter fraud to suggest wrong doing. In fact of the key audits performed in Georgia and Arizona, they discovered more votes for Biden than Trump. A degree of voter fraud is always present which is why states have criteria for recounts based upon percentage points of votes cast between candidates. Also – how were Republicans bullied? Until January 6th they held House & Senate which is why Pence was Speaker of the House. Even the recent audit in Wisconsin requested by Voss and with taxpayer money headed by an independent agent (Gableman) found no voter fraud more than what the previous 4 audits revealed (and again with more votes for Biden than Trump). His only complaint/grievance, and one I do agree, was that there was ‘influence’ by tech giants and other outside agencies to motivate voters. But really Doug – how is that different from ANY other election with adds etc. For me it comes down to this… 1] Voter turn out in the US is typically terrible and what companies (on both sides) always want is to inspire more people to vote. citizens ages 18-34, 57% voted in 2020, up from 49% in 2016. In the 35-64 age group, turnout was 69%, compared to 65% in 2016. In the 65 and older group, 74% voted in 2020, compared to 71% in 2016. 2] Biden won the popular vote – clearly. 3] Despite multiple audits NO significant voter fraud has been proven. Not even close. Now I hear from people that it was suppressed by media and the courts and so on… But many of the judges that reviewed the cases were Trump appointed (which I think says a lot about their commitment to law versus favoritism – kudos!) And let’s be realistic – Trump is a powerful man who just started his own social media, – with really powerful friends -. You mean to tell me that even on the news formats that favor Trump he and those who support him couldn’t post the PROOF of fraud that he and Lindell claim to have in preponderance? While I loved the article and the history it revealed, my response is the same… Show me proof and I will fight to remove Biden and run him out on a rail, but until then he is the President. Not by bullying, or because of media bias or censorship or any of that stuff. Its because he won.

What I cannot understand is why people feel they won’t accept it. Why not just fight harder for 2022 mid-terms and 2024? You know how I feel about Trump.. and Biden. Me I prefer to look forward and resolve the issue that way. There have been changes in many states to bolster the process. In some cases I feel to the detriment of minorities – but overall I agree with the measures taken. What will you do if Democrats win in 2022 or 2024 even after all those changes? There are too many poor losers who would rather call fowl than face facts, and that is just bad for the country which is based upon the Constitution. I recently asked a friend: What if the majority of people in the US want more government influence? What if the majority vote legally for that? Should those who oppose that fight the law and the Constitution to get their way? Isn’t THAT fascism? And as we have discussed before…. Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole (AKA government) and as far as I know that isn’t what people think it is. Plus it is different from Communism; Socialism believes in classes while Communists believe that all members of society will eventually share equally and that classes don’t exist. Socialism also differs from Social Democracy, which involves Socialism within a Capitalist framework. I think (and fear) what many Americans may want is Social Democracy.  And if they do - as a majority... then how do we respond if we want to remain a Democracy?

Monday, March 28, 2022

A Reminder

 Every so often I need a reminder.

My first one was over 13 years ago on Halloween 2009.  It was an unusually warm and sunny day for that time of year and I had no complaint.  My grandson and I typically dressed in matching themed costumes and on this day we were going as hamburger and fries.  Then I get a call from work that one of the alarms has been sounded indicating a break-in.  As plant manager it was my responsibility to meet the police there.  I was pissed!  Angry!  My beautiful afternoon was being interrupted by what was more likely someone not closing the door right on Saturday.  So off I drove in my Mazda Miata convertible with the top down listening to music and cursing.  I got within 3 blocks of the plant and was still angry when I stopped for a red light.  Still rumbling I look to my left and see a young man mid twenties in a wheel chair strapped in so he would not slide or fall out.  He is being wheeled by a much older man (his father?) apparently going for an afternoon walk.  They are laughing boisterously and I recall at that moment thinking how fortunate I am in my cool car on this unusually sunny fall day, celebrating Halloween with my family and especially my grandson.  It hit me like a 2x4 to the head.  I was being a self centered selfish fool.  There was a Dad and Son who could have been sad and angry with far more reason than I and instead they were out, happy, laughing and enjoying the wonders of that beautiful day.  

From that day on I would always remind myself of that moment and the good fortune I experience almost every moment of every day.  A wonderful wife and family and a plentiful life with few if any wants.

Well today it happened again.  March 28, 2022.  I went to the Dr. this morning for what turned out to be a sinus infection.  I was at Walgreens to pick up my antibiotic and ahead of me was a gentleman old, but younger than I.  I want to say this in a way that is not demeaning, but he was a simple fellow.  The clerk was not very kind and informed him that his prescription would come to $969 unless he purchased it at Kroger where he could get it for $49.  He was confused and stated his Dr. had assigned the prescription at the Walgreens.  She said yes but as a Kroger employee he had to get it at their pharmacy.  He was flummoxed, as he'd been given a ride to this location but would now have to walk to his friends house and get a ride to Menomonee Falls where he lived and worked and wasn't sure if he'd be able to get the prescription today.  The clerk was very dismissive and told him that he'd have to leave as she had other customers waiting.  He took his prescription paper and was leaving when I offered to take him to our local Pick & Save (part of Kroger).  I got my prescription and took him to the store.  We talked a bit, his name was Jim and he told me that even the $49 was more than he hoped to pay, but he was more troubled because while he could go to his friend's home and get in that his friend didn't get off work until 3pm.  He'd have to wait and he felt bad to ask his friend to drive him around right after he got from work. We arrived and he went in and while there I decided to do some small shopping.  I was coming down the pet aisle and could see him at the pharmacy window and again he looked  troubled.  As I got closer I heard him exclaim: "but the lady at Walgreens said I had to come here or it would be over $900." The pharmacist responded saying the prescription cited the Walgreens to be filled.  So again I stepped in and asked the pharmacist couldn't she call either the Doctor's office or the Walgreens and have it moved to this location? There was NO ONE ELSE anywhere near the pharmacy.  She reluctantly called and I waited with him until it was resolved.  I offered to help with the prescription cost but he said no thank you and I didn't want to embarrass him.  I did offer him a ride home but he declined that as well and said he was going to his friends house nearby and was okay to walk (even though it was sunny it was 19 degrees outside)  

We shook hands as he left to walk out and I to my checkout with my goods and go home.  I thought that here was a kind gentle soul who didn't have a lot of money and all he needed was kindness.  I thought that anyone of us - including myself - can at any time be that person that gets caught in the cogs of the system and instead of a helping hand be dismissed because we are too busy.  As I went home in my nice car, to see my loving and wonderful wife and where there is plenty of everything I need, I was reminded of that old saying... 'There but for the grace of God go I.'  

I need to always remember that I am fortunate in SO many ways.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Do RESEARCH and help yourself avoid all this fuss! 

Man people get a grip!  Complaints about Gas prices.  Complaints about politicians being too old.  Wow y'all need to just take a minute to decide who is the problem then don't forget about it at voting time.

First of all - Term limits for Politicians...  

You do know its the voter's fault right? While I fully agree in term limits at the end of the day its the voter's right to elect their choice. I (my opinion) don't understand how a Marjorie Taylor Greene gets into office... BUT its not my place to judge. She doesn't represent me and obviously does represent a majority percentage of her constituents. People have the right to vote for their choice and the most votes wins.

So its not these "Old Guys" that are the issue. Its the voters.

People complained about the election of Trump in 2016 because he lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. Fascinating that he lost the popular vote in 2020 AND lost the electoral college but somehow that is 'different'. Look - it all comes down (except for the electoral college) to popular vote. Its how America works and I for one don't have a better system. Next time vote in a person who believes in term limits and eventually that will happen.

Its all about the voter. OH and please nothing about voter fraud please. Its been way too long and still no real evidence by anyone. So just give that a rest.

Now gas Prices... The President does NOT determine gas prices that is based upon price per barrel of oil and is a function of OPEC and other geo-political activity.

For those who know me... You know I love to research. I was curious about Gas Prices with all the posts on here. What I found was interesting. Below is a chart showing:
Average Income Adjusted by Inflation All Americans
Average Income Adjusted by Inflation top 10% Incomes
Average Income Adjusted by Inflation top 1% Incomes
then in dashed lines
Gas Actual Proces
Gas Prices Adjusted for Inflation
All adjustments are to current 2022 Inflation.
For those complaining gas prices are high nationally... You are So very right. Way out of control, But look at the chart deeper. Until this year gas has been coming down as adjusted for inflation.
Also PLEASE REMEMBER that Presidents don't control price per barrel of oil. That is a Geo-political factor beyond ANY PRESIDENT's control.
It took me a while to generate what I thought were unbiased numbers and should you want the data and its several sources I am glad to supply that to you.

Now there are those who just WANT TO blame the President because they didn't vote for him etc. but if you do the deep dive research you'll find that none of that has a net effect on price per barrel. It's a good speak peace for those with biases or political slams for or against a candidate, but no matter how you slice it Geo-political (Opec, Supply Chain etc on global scale) is what does it.
That's why I went back so far to see if Presidents or Parties (Dem or Rep) make a difference...
They don't. There are SO many things that Dems and Reps and Presidents can influence price per barrel of oil is not one of them. 

Then people bring up inflation... Well there too it really isn't one guy...

Back to gas...
What I have seen are those people who just dislike a party or person so much that they cannot accept that this isn't a person or party issue. That we NEED to assign blame to someone, so it must be someone we hate. Yes Putin does come to mind but he is the catalyst not the root cause.
Gas prices were already rising before Ukraine... They rise because the price per barrel rises (barring any federal or state tax increases). Who controls the price per barrel?
The answer...
> Traders heavily influence oil prices through bids on futures
contracts. Anyone know who these obscure people are?
NOPE - and they like it that way.
> Bids are based on perceptions of current and future global supply
and demand
> Man-made (Ukraine) and natural crises (Pandemic / supply chain)
make huge impacts on oil prices
This is Capitalism pure and simple... Supply and Demand. Now most of us love Capitalism - I most certainly do - but it gets a bad rap because of greed and avarice of individuals who just need more and more money that they will likely ever need. But - while it bothers me - still no complaint because that is my system of choice.
Now - how can we fix it?
First lets see what states make the most Oil for the US:
The top five crude oil-producing states and their percentage shares of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 were
Texas 41.4%
North Dakota 11.6%
New Mexico 7.4%
Oklahoma 4.7%
All Republican governed states... But AGAIN it isn't about party. Who owns the refineries etc.
There are a LOT of variables here but the takeaway I was after is two-fold...
1] Focus your complaints on those responsible
2] And quit blaming those you would like to be responsible because of you bias, dislike, hate, fear whatever.
So people - read more, meme less and do some research.  If it is important enough to get upset about its important enough to see if it is WORTH getting upset about.