Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Nation of Free Speech? Maybe not any more.


As we approach the November election, I become more aware, and saddened, by not only the rhetoric - from both sides - but also the animosity. I have gotten it from both sides because I consider myself an independent. I vote for the individual versus party. Always have - always will.
Because I respect the opinions of others - and obviously don't mind sharing mine - I speak often with Democrats, Republicans and those in the MAGA contingent.
So imagine my dismay when I was told that one person no longer wants anything to do with me, and another that I have TDS (which I had to look up)
They sent me a link to read. I ALWAYS read every link someone sends as it provides me a point of reference in our discussions and also may present a point of view or fact I may not have considered. So imagine my surprise when I get this (link and names excluded):

You have to read this. By far the best argument for Trump vs. a corrupt government written by a Hillary Clinton supporter!
I’m confident you will discount it as you do anything that does not fit your narrative … and yet you feel your research on facts are so far superior. You clearly have TDS and yet your facts are the only correct ones. Ask yourself why Trump doesn’t just enjoy the rest of his fortune and life. Had he none of these cases would have been brought against him. The left always puts their hands on the scales of justice. To you, you think its because he’s an egomaniac … to me its because he loves our country and wants to try to change Washington for the good instead of the absolute corruption that is more evident than ever!

Following is my response:

An interesting email, even before I read the link.  I suspect you feel I have insulted you in similar fashion…   I’m confident you will discount it as you do anything that does not fit your narrative … and yet you feel your research on facts are so far superior.”

If you do feel that I have insulted you in a similar manner – and worse, if I have – then I apologize.

 I had to look up TDS.  This is the definition I found.  Is this the correct definition and how you feel I am?
Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term, usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States president Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational and to have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.

I don’t think I have TDS and I take umbrage with it as it is a pejorative term.  I do believe I research better than most, but only because I believe in facts and (as best as one can discern) the truth.  It is how I try to make all my decisions in all facets of my life.  I don’t always succeed, but I try.   As for my facts being the “only correct ones”… I don’t believe I have ever said that – especially as facts are “ A thing that is known and provable to be true.”  Facts are different from Truths and for sure different from  Opinions although sometimes they can all align.  If you will recall, there are areas where I think Trump did excel and have pointed those out to you using the best data I can and often with sources cited.

 I thought about addressing the remainder of your email, and elements of the article, but I decided that it is an exercise in futility.  We each have our views and our reasons for them.    Some of what was in the article were FACTS, some were TRUTHS and the remainder OPINIONS expressed as TRUTHS.  But it was a good article overall.  I have read Mr. Macguire before.  He’s pretty good.

 I know, and respect, your opinions on Trump.  I will continue to try my best to keep an open mind.  Should you ever produce facts that would alter my opinion I hope and pray that I would be mature enough to acknowledge them.   

As always - I wish you well.

This happened the same day that an old friend of mine told me we could not continue to be friends unless I gave up writing my views on Facebook AND even my own blog (which by many accounts no one reads but me).

What has – is – happening when we can no longer disagree on a few items agree on many but lose our ability to talk based on the one or the few.

I am truly saddened by this.  I was going to post this on FB but really I just needed to vent and not further increase the apparent divided in our country.

Truly saddened by this.

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