A friend of mine brought up an earlier post of mine where I touted my ideas for gun regulation. I will restate that in my opinion, people should be able to have any gun they want. I do believe however that it should be registered and require training and licensing. Please see my post: We don't need Gun Control May 2022.
That said - he brought upon issue of illegal confiscation of which I was not aware. Being me, I decided to research it. This is what I found and my opinion (post sources are listed at the end)
Claim: Guns were confiscated in the aftermath of Katrina
My friend was correct: A confirmed 552
guns were confiscated although there is contention that there were more.
Claim: The guns confiscated were from predominantly registered gun
False: It has been impossible to confirm a higher number as only 114 of
the 552 reported confiscated were legally purchased. However, allegedly, all gun owners who had guns
confiscated were given receipts. There are claims of a higher number (around
two thousand) presented in the 2005 lawsuit (completed in 2008), but the higher number could not be
confirmed as none of those were legally held by the claimant, or they could not
produce a receipt.
Claim: (not by my friend - I added this one) The guns were not returned.
Unsure how to categorize:
Allegedly, of the 552 guns confirmed to be in possession of NOLA. They would
only return guns to those who possessed receipts OR could prove legal
ownership. I have to mention here that Katrina
happened in Aug 2005 and the lawsuit was presented in September 2005 with the
owners who could prove ownership or a receipt from the confiscation – but this
did happen after a catastrophe and in my opinion a gun receipt could easily be
lost by the owner considering all that was transpiring.
Additional background (includes my perspective)
The guns were confiscated as part of the city’s decision to begin forcibly
evacuating residents who still remained in their homes and was out of a concern
for the spread of disease and fires, it seems reasonable to assume that the
swirling mass of disinformation, rumors, and a focus on restoring “order.”
There was a LOT of misinformation as a result of the chaos with a background
atmosphere of paranoia that resulted in NOLA’s decision to forcefully disarm
the populace they’d been charged with protecting.
While obviously even one illegal confiscation from a law-abiding citizen
is too many, the claim of a conspiracy between the disorganized local, state,
federal, and military units and agencies is firmly in the realm of fantasy. But it (confiscation) did still occur and there was an initial cover up. To some degree –
though it appears around as fractured and unevenly applied as most other
mandates that rippled through the chaos in the days and weeks following the
The NRA,
Gun Owners of America and Second Amendment Foundation, filed a swift lawsuit on
September 23rd and a judge granted a temporary injunction against firearms
confiscations for New Orleans and the surrounding areas, and ordered the
confiscated firearms returned. So, none were confiscated after that date.
I also discovered that firearms confiscation
wasn’t new territory for NOLA PD to begin with.
It seems this had been done on a smaller scale previously. This lent itself to the ease with which this happened.
The suit –
won in 2008 – resulted in a larger victory as the court-ordered a permanent injunction against the city of New
Orleans ever confiscating legally owned firearms from its citizens again.
Additionally, George W. Bush signed the Department of Homeland
Security Appropriations Act in September of 2006, which included language that
“The confiscation of a firearm during an emergency or major
disaster if the possession of such firearm is not prohibited under Federal or
State law.”
Although temporary surrender of a firearm can still be
considered a precondition before entering a rescue or transport vehicle.
being said, in retrospect Katrina appears to be the perfect storm of overall
mismanagement and lack of emergency preparedness at both the state and federal
levels. Add to that chaos a biased conservative media eager to ‘get the scoop’ on the
situation. They then broadcast this to the entire world, and a panicked,
inadequate collection of leaders and authority figures who wound up relying on
hysterical stories and rumors.
Overall, the confiscation appears to be the end result of
failings of the state apparatus at nearly every level rather than a shadowy and
concerted effort to use a crisis as the backdrop for mass disarmament.
Sources used:
I wanted
to use more conventional sources but had a difficult time finding articles in
those that gave me any real clarity of the situation..
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