Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Let's be Balanced about Regulation of Art

 I agree that what is shown to children in school should first be presented to parents AND then allow the parents to decide if their children should or should not participate. I am a father of 4 grandfather of 8 and I worry about them all every day. But not because of a work of art or a published piece of literature.

I become very concerned when we start regulation (or banning) art and literature but fail to regulate the sale/acquisition of firearms.
I am a firm believer in the 2nd amendment. I believe that it was added to ensure the 1st amendment, but I also believe that neither art nor literature is more deadly than a firearm. When was the last time that you heard of a child in school hurt by a work of art or work of literature. If some think that art and literature should be banned because they are detrimental to our youth, then fine - but regulate both art literature and guns the same or not at all.
In all my 70 plus years, I've never heard of a work of art or a book as the actual death of a child in a school. Some may argue that it was some art form or literary work that influenced a shooter - they may be right - but I would like to see that information / proof. What I am sure of is that the number of deaths per year by children in our nation's schools has not been due to art, literature, math or science. It has been due to guns. Especially assault rifles. The actual deaths were the result of bullets entering innocent children.
So if we as a nation want to ban books that we find uncomfortable, restrict access to art because parents find the illustrations or images uncomfortable and believe they may influence our children. Then let's do the same with firearms.
I've heard the phrase: "Guns don't kill people, people do" I've not heard (yet) that about art, or literature.

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