Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Is America in Decline?

 Off the top of my head, I will say no.  Oh, there are nay sayers out there who either miss the 1950's and 1960's (folks my age) or those that want some specific aspect precisely their way and are not getting it so therefore the country is in decline. But as an American who has had the good fortune to travel through our beautiful world, America has everything.  Oh - to be sure it is not perfect - there are issues with the economy, inflation, crime, intolerance for other races and groups; you know the same stuff that has been in history of this country since its inception.

We are a melting pot. I remember that term from when I was in elementary school and while I don't know how others took it I took it as a sign of honor.  That this country - our America - was truly a land of the free, home of the brave and that it was so because people from various backgrounds got together not because of culture or religion but rather and ideal... Democracy.  They gathered together putting their differences aside for something greater, equal opportunity.  They were told and believed that this country would give them the chances not possible in their own lands.  

America as defined by the Constitution if applied equally to all is indeed the greatest achievement of Man.

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