Monday, December 5, 2022

About Biased Media

 A friend presented me with an interesting article which ironically represented itself while condemning other media over bias in what has historically been called the 4th estate of government. I explained in my response that this 'Media Bias" is why I read so much and in so many varied news media from obvious far-left to conspicuous far-right and so many in between.

New Media – or the 4th estate – is defined as the Fourth Estate or fourth power and refers to the press and news media both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues. In all of history news media has been biased to specific political and social views.
You have heard me (in previous posts) mention the Fairness Doctrine created in 1949 in an attempt to at least curtail media giants (especially at the time ABC CBS and NBC in the started television media) from using their clout to bias the public to a specific agenda, beliefs etc.
For a while it worked by forcing media to present points and counterpoints in both written and televised news formats. But those who opposed it used the 1st amendment to eliminate it in 1987. The FCC discarded the rule because, of concerns that it was in violation of First Amendment free speech principle. Media felt it limited or failed to encourage the discussion of more controversial issues as it forced them to present views in which they did not agree.
In June 1987, Congress attempted to preempt the FCC decision and codify the Fairness Doctrine, but the legislation was vetoed by President Ronald Reagan. Another attempt to revive the doctrine in 1991 was stopped when President George H.W. Bush threatened another veto.
And… technically they were right. The intervention of the government in media does violate the 1st amendment right to print whatever they want, as the 1st amendment DOES NOT apply to private news media (as all too many bemoan) but ONLY to government restriction in private media's dissemination of information.
So biased media…
 Has always existed. Always.
 It exists on both sides more now than ever with the advent of the internet
 MOST People select the media they want to hear or read to fit their internal narrative.
 Most people are either looking for media to justify their innate (already established) views OR if they have no specific views and are too lazy to research across multiple media to discern truth upon which they can build their view/opinion.
 And biased media IS CONSTITUTIONAL
It has been like this for a long time even been the fodder for books and movies showing media influencing the public to achieve their own ends.

So, the issue is NOT biased media, that has existed for as long as people communicated. The issue is within the people themselves who - if they choose to - and in a Capitalist economy can control the media. If the people dislike the news they hear then don't listen. Advertisers will go to where the majority do listen and leave the other. People can control the media and bias but most choose to just keep on keepin' on.

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