Friday, October 28, 2022

I'm Back

 The problem with taking a hiatus when you write a blog is people who may have read it (although I am still followed by no one) may not come back to read it again.  But that is OK - I truly wrote this (write this?) for me as a means to vent - to express myself.

So now I am back and with topics that are personal, terrifying (to me), and very sad.  I will list their titles and a one sentence summary of each before I sign off for today.


Breast Lump - Have a lump in my breast that is uncomfortable and slowly growing a mammogram revealed its benign.

Surgery Left Foot - have a badly deformed bunion that should get surgery, but I would be in a boot/cast for 6 weeks and allowed no pressure on foot for that time.


Loss of Friends - In actuality acquaintances, but still as the mid-terms approach even those with whom I could have civil conversation are now moving away. Plus, those relationships I did not keep up. That I let drift away.


Dying Alone - I don't believe I am near my end, but a thought has plagued me that if I did die, who would really be at the funeral? How few would attend or care.

Sweet Spot - often through my life I wondered if anyone has lived through a time when pretty much everything was splendid, then I had the epiphany that it was me!

Childhood - will finish writing that up for my children (those who are interested)

Book - now that winter approaches, and especially if I have the foot surgery, I will finish my book of short stories. So many ideas!

So - over the next few days, weeks and months more to come!

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