Sunday, September 18, 2022

Need to Take a Hiatus

 From what? 

Hatred, bias, incivility, condescension, and an inability to discuss ideas with people without being labeled... Liberal, RINO, WOKE, Fascist, ANTIFA, elitist, homophobic, racist etc.  Everyone on both sides of the political spectrum seem anxious to place others into neat little boxes which when summed up are either the "with me" or "against me" box.  Oh, there are a few voices out there that recognize people are complex and may have multiple perspectives and be an amalgam of political views - but they are so few, so rare. 

I miss the civil but passionate exchanges between adults which, like true debates, relied not on just feelings but positions on issues and often supported by facts.  That I could debate with someone and possibly get a new and fresh perspective.

Sometimes the discussions start that way but then if it gets to a point where I have irrefutable proof their idea may be flawed, then it gets diverted to... "We just have to agree to disagree".  That position is fine if they then didn't walk away angry and in some cases we never talk again.  Or, if we are both coming from positions that cannot be reconciled because it is more feelings & belief based.  But too often lately it is that my information or data is so solid, or worse my questions so poignant, that they cannot answer them and instead of reflecting inward they instead storm away.

I used to tell my children... "If you debate someone on an issue and find you cannot reasonably defend your position / idea - then you MUST re-examine your premises because you may be wrong."  I believe my children do that; I believe I do as well... I hope I do - truly.

So I am taking a hiatus from all social media.  Let my head and spirit clear

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