Saturday, July 23, 2022

What is "Their America?"

 When I log into Facebook or Twitter, I see friends and those I follow from both sides expressing their concern over some aspect of the other they do not like.  But what I'd really like to see is someone come out and describe what they feel America should be? In their view not what they don't like but what is is they do like?

Let me provide an example based upon my views:

RE: Free Speech

  • I want an America where free speech is OK as long as it does not threaten the welfare or well-being of anyone.

  • This Free Speech means that opposing groups may face off and loudly express their opposition but never physically engage the other side.

  • An America where the moment violence overtakes a peaceful protest, the protest is stopped and those who were violent are caught and prosecuted, ideally with the help and support of those who were peaceful.

  • That as individuals and as a nation we treat each other with civility.  That we do not intimidate others for their view(s).  
    If we intimidate or through violence disparage or prevent other views then are we not fascist or authoritarian and against the very Constitution that founded this great land?
RE: 2nd Amendment Rights
  •  I described this in detail in a previous post "Why is Gun Death different?", so I won't do it again here.  In simple summary - I believe everyone should be allowed to have and carry any gun they want with training and registration.
RE: Immigration
For me to address this I need to ask a question:
Why don't you want aliens here in the US?
  • Is it out of fear?  And if it is what fear? 
    Fear of losing your majority in population and vote?
    Fear of the United States losing its previous 'culture'?
    Fear of crime or disease?
    Fear of more people on welfare?
    Seriously what is your fear - if it is fear that drives you against immigrants and let's talk about that first.

  • Is it out of hate for those of different culture, color, religion?

  • Or is it based upon some economic rationale.
Until we define why we are against something we can not properly respond to addressing it.
  • I am for open borders and putting all those people to work in factories, healthcare, agriculture, service industry etc.  Just as my grandfather did when he came here in 1916.  You want made in the USA then you need immigrants who are not part of the entitled youth and willing to work for a better life versus having it handed to them like too many today.

RE: Religious Freedom
I have nothing to add here, the Constitution is clear.  All religions are welcome. In fact, religion per se is mentioned only twice in the constitution. Once where it states that there shall be no religious tests for office, and in the first amendment where it states Congress shall pass no law affecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Zero.

RE: Abortion versus A Woman's Right to Choose
While I personally am against abortion in my America abortion is legal with these criteria:
  • A man bears fully equal responsibility and burden for the pregnancy.

  • Once the fetus is viable outside the womb (hence a baby) abortions after this are prohibited.
    This point will change over time as science improves healthcare.

  • If a woman wishes to carry the child or must do so per the bullet point above she has the right to place it for adoption or keep it.

  • If she decides to keep it the man must have 50% of the time with the child so that the woman may pursue a career with as much opportunity as the man.  The woman may absolve a man of this obligation in favor of select child support.

  • Should the woman decide to place the child for adoption the man (father) of the child has a right to the child first.

If anyone reads this and wants further clarifications, please write and ask... and THAT is my point.  I want to know what America these so called 'patriots' want.  What is their vision?  Only when we each know what the other wants can we work to find common accepted ground via respectful - civil - negotiation.
If we only attack the things we don't like we can't often see that in (hopefully) a majority of areas, we agree and move from that point to achieve resolution. 
Enough of the "All or Nothing / Win or Lose" mentality

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