Its hard to define decency. Even the definition is open to interpretation...
I mean depending upon the time, culture etc. decency can be a wide-open term. So when I go to look for it I need to define what I think it is. So I thought about it and came up with this simple statement...
'To do whatever you want as long as it does not inflict harm to others. Don't mind what others do if it does not inflict harm to you or others.'
I thought about this in terms of the Code of Bushido and it seemed to align. For those who do not know Bushido the code is simple:
- Rectitude and Justice. The Bushido code links rectitude with the act of making honest pacts with people and fulfilling them.
- Courage. Courage basically means being willing to take risks to get what you want. ...
- Compassion. ... Love, affection for others, sympathy and a strength of mind and character towards other people.
- Politeness. ... Respect to & for others
- Honor: A Fundamental Part of the Bushido Code. Display and practice humility and your word is your bond.
- Honesty / Sincerity. Your word should be taken as a sign of truthfulness. This is absolute.
- Duty and Loyalty. To family first and to any to whom you give your bond.
I find myself (of late) caught up in the world's hatred and bitterness. I need to regain my code of bushido and look for those who are decent (as I defined above).
I thought at one time it was in the church, and while I find the teachings of many religions to be decent; it is difficult to find those who follow them to consistently be decent.
I thought at one time it was in the church, and while I find the teachings of many religions to be decent; it is difficult to find those who follow them to consistently be decent.
It certainly is not within politics... So for now I need to cultivate it within myself and keep looking. Hopefully not like Don Quixote.
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