Sunday, May 1, 2022

Know When to Fold-em part 2

 If you read part one of this you know that I have spent the last few days reviewing a number of web sites and articles to review and reconsider my position on President Trump.  I really tried my best to restrain my bias from previous reviews. In fact I used my previous reviews of data as a starting point to refute them, for if they couldn't stand up to a challenge then I must reconsider my position.

After hours of work over days I have come to the same conclusion that took my 2016 vote FOR TRUMP to a NOT FOR TRUMP in 2020.  

But something else I discovered in my review of the data is that none of what I just did will matter to anyone else but me.  The information I worked hard to examine and work through will change no other person's mind.  See - what I found was almost exactly what I found previously - just more current / updated.  So if I present it again it will likely get the same response as the last time I sent it out, which was - no one reviewed it.  Honestly - not one of my 5 friends who like Trump reviewed the data.  So why bother.  After all this work the only thing I am sure of is that I can look st myself in the mirror and still feel I made the correct vote in 2020.  If anything - I feel good that I really looked at my beliefs, I truly did challenge them; although I wish others would have done it with the same vigor.  See - while I feel I have done my due diligence there is always (still?) a part of me that wonders if I contained all my bias - and I doubt that is possible.  That is why I wish others would have reviewed my data and with data and research challenged me, but no one did.  It was all belief and opinion with nothing other than emotion to support it.

So if going forward I am challenged by them about Trump - or tossed some tidbit that they use that says "See he is the best President ever"  I will just respond "OK - if that is your view point I respect it."  and I will respect it.  If they ask for more from me I will ask in response... "What data can I provide you that you will honestly review that might possibly sway your viewpoint?"  and then take it from there.

Otherwise I just know when to fold-em...  Because it won't make a difference.

I still - in fact more now than before - think Donald Trump to be the biggest threat to the Constitution this country has ever faced.  

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