This was a post and text sent to 5 of my friends earlier this week:
Good afternoon, I am writing to 5 people. You likely do not know each other, and I am writing you all because you have posted or texted with me today regarding Trump, voter fraud and other issues. Kudos to you all, you have me thinking about our discussions which is good, and hopefully it means my mind is not totally skewed to the point where I no longer listen to points or positions counter to those I hold. That said I wish to address some of those items we have talked about today and in the recent past. I am including you all as you are all men I respect and know to have deep integrity. Now before you need read further… I am writing this to explain the actions I will be taking over the next few weeks and will likely not respond to any posts or texts on Trump, the Democrats or Republicans until that time of review is completed. Now I also know that some of you have never read information I have sent you so stopping here would be par for the course for you, but for those who do read on… thank you. During this ‘information sabbatical’, I will be reviewing documentation both in books and articles covering the following topics: • Voter Fraud and its impact upon the 2020 election o Focus upon 4 states: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania Georgia and Arizona Wisconsin – re-reading the Republican sponsored Gableman report Arizona – the State Republican party Independent audit of Maricopa County Georgia - Pennsylvania - o And whatever court documents I can find regarding those audits o I will also look at whatever Mike Lindell claims to have o 2000 Mules (once released) • I will review my previous review of these areas: o bills initiated and legislation passed, Executive Orders (how many & what did they achieve), • the economy (to the limited extent that ANY President can influence it), • ability to unite the nation, • and international relations. You all (I hope by now) know I voted for Trump in 2016. In my opinion he was the only valid choice running at that time. I believe you all know I did not vote for him in 2020 because in late 2019 and into early 2020 I started to review the facts of his Presidency (and before you make any assumptions – yes I did that with every President starting with George H. W. Bush), and I found him wanting. These were the sources I used other than government sources: Perspective Name Type Right The Federalist On-Line Right Breitbart News Website Right First Things Religious Journal Right The American Conservative Magazine Right American Thinker On-line Right The American Spectator Magazine & On-Line Left The Baffler On-Line Left Dissent Quarterly Magazine Left ACLU Podcast Left Democracy Now TV Radio Left The Intercept Podcast Moderate Rueters Publication Moderate On-line & multi-media Moderate Wall Street Journal Newspaper On-line Moderate The Hill On-line Moderate Christian Science Monitor Publication & On-Line Moderate BBC On-line Conservative Le Figaro – France On-Line I have decided to review these news sources again because I believe that only through review of data can we discern facts and from facts truth. I hope you each know as well that I am NOT a Biden fan but as is my practice I don’t look into a Presidency until a 3-year period has passed. I figure by that time any other ‘inertia’ should have been controlled by the administration. I will confess to biases regarding President Trump – but that is why I feel compelled to do this review so I am fair and prepared should he opt to run again in 2024. With any luck we will have better options by then in either party. And – I do NOT believe in any political party. I vote individuals that best align with my values which are: • Constitution over flag and country. What I mean by that is in line with Thomas Jefferson who felt the pledge of allegiance should be to the constitution not the flag or piece of land as it best defines what the other two stand (should stand). So I guess I’m a Constitutionalist. • I believe in civility and deplore ALL politicians who (people in general) who are disrespectful to others. • I believe freedom without accountability is anarchy and that a minorities freedoms favored over the majority is autocracy. • That we sacrifice total freedom of the individual to accommodate the well being of the people though rule of law. • I believe in a global solution because we all live on the same ball of dirt. To quote Mark Twain: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." I have had the good fortune to travel to 4 of 7 continents and if Linda and I can swing it 5 if we go to Africa to celebrate our 50th anniversary. So if I don’t respond or say – no thanks not now. Please do not be offended. I have a number of books and articles to read and digest. Per Henry David Thoreau: “It’s never too late to give up your prejudices.
Accept no paradigms. We must not be constrained by the barriers of our past. The past is our ladder to the present and the foundation of our stairway to a better future. All experiences, all our choices - good and bad, have led to our current point. The cliché: "You are who you choose to be."; is a perpetual decision bounded only by our paradigms of the past. Challenge them all! Some we may accept, others we may change and even change again.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Know When to Fold-em part 1
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