Tuesday, May 31, 2022

As I Approach 70

Seventy!  Hmmm 50 was the ‘new 40’, 60 was the ‘new 50’ but 70… it just sems like… ugh… 70.  As I approach it, I reflect upon friends recently passed and while this is deeply saddening it was no longer alarming because we are all at or approaching 70.  I suspect if I make it to 80, I will have an even more intense revelation of mortality – mine and others.

But something else has revealed itself to me.  For much of my life I was polite, too polite [although I suspect there may be some out there who will disagree].  This probably stemmed from training in my early school years (Saints Peter & Paul parish) and at home (living with my grandparents) in a time when children should be seen but not heard and have respect for all elders.  I was and have been too polite to call people who are mean, rude, racist, biased, hateful – whatever - what they were (are).  I was trying to maintain a ‘relationship’ and not ‘rock the boat’ or ‘burn bridges’ or any of the other cliché sayings of my generation.

Perhaps I am simply a slow learner, for I have had friends and acquaintances reprimand me for my opinions and openly categorize me as a:
“Lefty Liberal”   “RINO” for those few out there who don’t know this “Republican In Name Only”
“Bleeding Heart”     “Socialist”

I will admit that while these names and others hurt, I just chuckled my way past it, tried to explain myself better to them and took their barbs because I either remembered the friend I once knew and didn’t want to lose that memory (or them); or I realized that we have more in common than we don’t and why lose a relationship over a few or one aspect?

But now at 70 all this seems wrong.  I feel like I was doing it wrong all that time.  I was being dishonest with them by not letting them know how I feel about their comments to me and even their sometimes very hateful and judgmental positions and I was being dishonest with myself.  Now I still believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion and have a right to express it.  But – as I said slow learner – I just realized I no longer need to hear it and take their labels. 

I am on a number of social media and was (am?) too often concerned with promoting my viewpoint… pontificating would be a word I would apply to myself with honest reflection.  That will cease.  As will my rebuttal of the opinion of others.  In all my attempts I have never changed one mind or heart yet; despite the number of facts and sources presented nor how impassioned my presentation. 

So, after this missive I will only post happy day to day items on social media leaving the rest for my blog which as far as I can discern only, I read.  It serves as an emotional outlet for me when what I perceive, as the injustices of the world get too much for me and I need a release.

To those who I perceive as biased or haters… you don’t need to know that from me.  It wouldn’t change you.  I will just stop following and quietly leave you alone.  I am chuckling now as I write this because its very likely you will not miss me.

The one thing that will be different is how I will react should we meet in public.  Should you vocalize a viewpoint with which I take exception; where before to prevent myself or others from being uncomfortable; I would try and divert the discussion or make a joke, that is no longer the case.  So, on this please be forewarned.  I am 70 now and no longer feel obliged to tolerate fools, or bigots.

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