Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Posted this on FB yesterday...

> The price of gas is NOT Democrat or Republican.
> The State and Federal government only affect the taxes on it
> Like most commodities, the fundamental driver of oil's price is supply and demand in the market.
> Oil markets are composed of speculators who are betting on price moves, and hedgers who are limiting risk in the production or consumption of oil.
> Oil supply is controlled somewhat by a cartel of oil-producing nations called OPEC.
> Oil demand is driven by everything from gasoline for cars and airline travel to electrical generation.
For all of you who didn't study - that is Capitalism. I for one favor Capitalism so unless you want some other form of commerce - quiet down.
I am retired and on a fixed income so I am not happy about it either.
But compare your soft cushy lives to those in Ukraine who:
--- are fighting for real FREEDOM from tyranny versus pansy
complaints on masks
--- Where women and children flee theirs homes and leave their
husbands behind, maybe to never see them again.
I love that I have FREEDOM OF SPEECH to rant about this because I find all you WHINERS pathetic. I hope all you whiners appreciate you have the FREEDOM to not listen to it or block me.
I'd rather pay more for gas and have a tyrant defeated than pay less and one day have them as my leader.
Whew!!! Now I can go to my nice comfy bed - like the rest of you - in my expensively heated home, with electricity and running water. And for those of you too dense to realize it... that was sarcasm... You Whining dolts.

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