Perspective - An Un-Civil War?
Awoke earlier than usual this morning and thought I would catch up on national and international news. That was terrifying. So many people in so many places, here and abroad in other democracies seem intent on the elimination of Democracy under the guise of saving it, or their version of it. I read and hear so much about personal freedoms, and I agree we all deserve to be free. But to what extent?
I always go back to the constitution and look to see what freedoms we ALL must have and those which WE ALL must sacrifice for the "General Welfare".
I mean - if I am free to do anything I want (or don't want) with no regard for the safety and freedoms of others then what is that? Chaos? Anarchy? Or if I have power to exercise my freedom and impose it upon others isn't that Autocracy? Fascism?
The Preamble of the Constitution - in my opinion - tried to summarize it before going into it in depth through the Articles and later Amendments, I mean it's not very long but immediately sets the tone of all that follows. I highlighted some words and statements so we can expand upon them later...
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
We all want to be free, to achieve and grow to our desired potential. But, we are to do it together, through that "more perfect Union", by supporting each other and when we disagree to do it through rule of law (Justice), peaceful protest and civil (repeat civil) discourse [Our 1st Amendment].
I read how factions want there to be a national religion... even though the 1st Amendment prohibits government from respecting any religion.
I fear people no longer know the Constitution. I fear it is no longer taught to a depth and reverence that would (I hope) allow people to have differences but within the context of the basic law(s) that created this nation.
I read about Q-Anon, various white militia groups and wonder how they justify themselves? The constitution is not meant to be taken by segment or section. It is a Tapestry of Freedom woven to cover and protect us all. If individuals or groups begin to cut away sections they favor and discard others, that tapestry of democracy will unravel.
There are many in the world that hate democracy, regardless if it is: Direct, Representative (a republic), electoral, liberal or parliamentary etc. They hate if because it gives power to the people, not to the few or individuals. I fear that is being manipulated and that under the guise of "Your Personal Freedoms" those who hate democracy are manipulating the average citizen who has likely NOT read their Constitution and Amendments and feels they are being victimized. They don't realize that:
So - I am scared. I am not scared for myself. I am 70 and nearer the end of my days that the beginning. But I am afraid for my children and grandchildren that trough either subtle erosion or worse active civil war, we will lose the completeness and essence of our Constitution and create in its place a world dominated by Oligarchs and Elite who feed people the pablum "you must be free" but never tell them that to place your freedom over others is the first step toward tyranny
Well - that is my sincere rant for this morning. I wish I were younger. I rallied, protested, was beaten and harassed in the 1960's for supporting the Constitution to apply to ALL people. I volunteered, and joined the Air Force to serve and protect this country in the early 70's. In joining the military I swore and oath to uphold the Constitution and still believe that today. But I am afraid.
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