We the People versus Me the Individual - Democracy vs Fascism
Lately I have seen a number of news stories, and social media posts, about people proclaiming their personal freedoms are being violated. Some were as trite as being asked to wear a mask and others more significant in regards to mandated vaccinations by employers, and the recent Texas abortion law. I don't have all the answers - If I did I'd be vacationing somewhere other than home right now, but I do have an opinion... I believe Freedom without accountability results in Anarchy and the Few being active in our society can lead to Fascism.
What happens when the individual puts their personal beliefs ahead of the public good? In the Preamble of our constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
it starts with "We the People" not "I the individual" and presents the 6 goals of the Constitution...
1] forming a perfect union, 2] establishing justice, 3] insure tranquility, 4] providing common defense, 5] promote general welfare, 6] and secure the blessings of liberty.
For reference - people should read this link. It is simplistic but clear and from what I can research does the best job of explaining what the framers intended with this unique document.
Preamble of Constitution - US Constitution |
When individuals resent governmental actions they have the right to peacefully protest and right to change representatives via their vote.
Now here comes the tricky part of Democracy... the majority (by voting!) gets to make the decision of direction via law. First at the State Level and if broad enough per point #5 above - the general welfare - at the Federal Level.
I say tricky because sometimes the majority makes decisions that a slightly less minority might resent. Or worse - the minority is active and votes and the Silent Majority becomes by vote - the minority.
Jim Crow laws are such an example. We have even passed amendments (requiring 3/4 of the states to ratify) that were later undone by another amendment once we realized it wasn't what we wanted (Prohibition). The majority doesn't always get it right, but it is how a democracy is set up and if we tear that down because we don't like the existing rule/law then it becomes fascist.
So how do "We the People" ensure that the Individual doesn't countermand the "General Welfare" as cited in the Preamble. We protest, we explain our point of view, and we vote.
The highest voter turnout rate for a presidential race was in 1876, when 82.6 percent of eligible voters (white and Black men) cast ballots in the race between Republican Rutherford B Hayes and Democrat Samuel Tilden.
Most modern presidential elections in the United States have a voter turnout rate of between 50 and 60 percent.
That last item - voting - is the hardest. There are and always have been barriers to voting. Plus we live in a country that - in my opinion - doesn't value it as they should. Oh - you'll hear people say that there is Gerrymandering (and perhaps there is), and other means of vote suppression (and perhaps there is)... but if the people really want to they will figure a way to cast their legitimate vote. In countries where democracy is trying to start people will walk for miles and perhaps days to cast a vote that affects their future. If it is REALLY important to you, and not just fashion, a meme, or a fad, then people will vote and those that care the most, who make the effort to vote no matter what... they become the majority and theirs is the view and law of the land until the next time to vote.
So if you want a Democracy - You Must Vote
If you want Fascism - Don't vote. Let the few become the voting majority.
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