Sunday, September 5, 2021



The “One World Order” (OWO) I'm worried its coming - just not sure from where.

I have been hearing a lot about this lately, not only here in the United States, but from my friends in Europe, echoed in podcasts from Europe and Australia.  What I find particularly interesting is despite the distances they sound very unified and in themselves like a ‘OWO’.

They are united in their fears of: immigration. Gun Control, Big Pharma, fraudulent voting, infringement upon individual/personal liberties, a corrupt government controlled by the old, rich, and powerful.  Frightened by any mention of Socialism.

They are not one group, and some have their own website and cute tags:

WG1WGA (QAnon), Free Simply be Free (Bright Blue), Back to the Basics (Countryside Alliance), Keep Values (Australian Conservatives)  

They share common messages / perspectives:

  • seal the borders - no more loss of jobs or catching new disease or other 'alien' stuff into our country, 
  • favoring small government, 
  • Voter ID - one ID that 'allows' you to vote (that does sound dystopian/Orwellian?), 
  • deregulation - no gun control of any kind and no controls on capitalism, 
  • privatization of all currently social benefits (so those that work, deserve & get) 
  • promote capitalism and lower taxes (because its all privatized and those that can afford a service will, because they earned it), 
  • and against liberalization in virtually every form/area

Is there a ‘One World Order” forming - perhaps - not by the things they fear but a OWO made from fears shared by various groups.

Wouldn’t that be ironic?

Now - as I have said before - I don't have all the answers. But to me this sounds a lot like:

"New Boss - same as the Old Boss" just from the other side of the fence.  

So how do you stop a 'One World Order'?  You stop it by continuing the balances we have now.  Its those balances between liberal factions and conservative factions that keep us centered.  That maintain the necessary Personal & Societal Freedoms we have all come to enjoy but that also provide for the common good - like Medicare which is a prime example of socialism contained within a Democratic-Republic.  No one has yet figured how to have "Everything for Everyone" because everyone's needs and not the same just as "We the People" are not the same.  Let's take a lesson from Lady Justice...

Blind to what may bias her, ready to fight for justice for all, and always holding the scales to ensure that it is balance and equally applied.

Everyone should be afraid of any 'One World Order' that is only 'One Way".  

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