Saturday, September 25, 2021


Masks are not the 1st step to lost freedom

I love the argument that masks are the prelude to Socialism or that Nazis were Socialists... They were Fascist. Big difference. But before We go into understanding mode lets talk some basics...
> Why aren't you upset about seatbelts? If you don't wear it ONLY you die.
> Why did you allow smokers to be treated as 2nd & 3rd class citizens by restricting them smoke in 'designated areas' or not smoke at all? Talk about bias and segregation of a select group.
> Why must I wear a shirt and shoes in a restaurant - even if I just bathed? Aren't you proud of your hairy chest and protruding gut?

C'mon - you're going to fight over wearing a mask while bigger things are being done to control your precious freedom? That mask is your stupid symbol of taking a stand?

I won't go into how wearing a mask is NOT to protect you as much as it is others from you should you be ill. Or the stupid "acts of defiance" by wearing one but under the nose... really - could people get more childish.

Don't get me started on vaccines! Fine don't take it. I am OK with that. But then your insurance should increase like those of smokers which is virtually DOUBLE. Since you - un-vaxinated - are more likely to incur serious illness and absorb valuable hospital resources.

And lets get back to worrying about real issues. We have a decaying infrastructure that leave s the COUNTRY not just you, vulnerable to become a 2nd class country.
Since 1978 CEOs have increased their salaries by 940% while the average worker has risen only 12%. But that's not a threat to freedom or capitalism or no because that's economic and you really never studied that. You want to worry about freedom but you allow a feudal system of economics where freedom is slowly eroded by incrementally decreasing the buying power of those who make the goods and services. You make them serfs with chains of credit cards and mortgages and needing both parents to work and still not make ends meet... NOT A SMART MOVE.

Y'all talk about capitalism but are too ignorant to realize that what we have today isn't capitalism - but instead greed and avarice. I love Capitalism. I think it works great that someone who works hard gets paid well and IN PROPORTION to their responsibility. But when Presidents and CEOS make 100, 200, 300 or more times what the average worker makes - does that seem logical? ARE they working 200-300 times harder than those who actually MAKE the product or service from which they profit? Greed & Avarice.
There would be no need for any talk of Socialism if people were paid a fair wage AND TAXED EVENLY with the rich. Schools would have enough for band, school supplies etc. Roads built or improved. Infrastructure that isn't a remnant from the 1950's or earlier.

Y'all need to study and research more. Think more, and be angry and bitter less over the trivial and focus instead on what is essential. Get Angry over what is important not a damn silly mask.

I personally recommend that you all read Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" but I'll warn you its a big book with big words and concepts but if you believe in freedom, capitalism (without greed and lust for power) its a great book.

Now education - please remember to use these terms correctly....

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship · despotism · autocracy · absolute rule · Nazism · rightism · militarism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · neo-fascism · neo-Nazism · corporativism · corporatism · Hitlerism · Francoism

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism

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