The Debacle in Afghanistan
I may take some heat for what I am about to write - but heck it is my blog and my perspective.
I must agree with the overall consensus that the departure from Afghanistan was - to put it mildly - poorly handled. I remember seeing news reports from previous months and years, remarking to my wife that the Afghan military just didn't seem involved or engaged. So why President Biden didn't see it - well I can only say I am disappointed. That said...
I am also disappointed in the previous presidents that kept us there for 20 years... 20 years!!! Democrat and Republican alike. Presidents that let go of Taliban leaders and 5000 soldiers who likely went back to the fight, who spent a trillion dollars on infrastructure there but argue about that spending that much for infrastructure here at home. Presidents of both parties who justified our presence there for democracy and freedom sending thousands of military personnel who bravely with valor did their duty. Some making the ultimate sacrifice.
The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001, triggered by the (never to be forgotten) September 11th attack and to drive out the Taliban and deny al-Quada a safe base of operations. They sought to bring Democracy to a region that had already established it didn't want any other leadership other than Islam. This was exemplified by with the Russians invading in 1974 to install / support a Marxist-Leninist government. They were fought off by the mujahideen and were forced to leave in 1989 - 15 years of steady conflict. Some places don't either want or comprehend democracy as they have never had it.
* I am saddened that Afghan democratic government has fallen
* Concerned that those who did grasp democracy and freedom are now encased in a country with a very different view.
* I am upset that people here in the US decry that women there are now denied rights while here - although not as severely - that battle is still fought
* Appalled by the irony that we are shocked at the attack on Kabul but OK with our own Capital assaulted on January 6th
I am impressed though with those many Americans who want to embrace the Afghan people and their families who supported our troops there over the 20 years. I am impressed with a current President who accepts responsibility for an error versus one that avoids any responsibility unless its good news. A true leader does that, takes the responsibility for his actions and those of his personnel. Their error is his error. As he stated (copying Truman) "The buck stops here"
So - the mistake has been made. Now let's see what we as a President, Congress and American people do next. Do we continue to point fingers or do we instead come together to fix a problem? I hope the latter because that is the America I grew up believing in, served proudly, and to this day love.
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