Sunday, August 29, 2021


Perspective - Patriot and Patriotism


Even though it’s been a busy week, I had time to look over various social media.  I noticed that the word patriot had been used a lot, then noticed it was used almost exclusively by conservatives and typically strong right (ultra?) conservatives.  It made me wonder as I think of myself as a Patriot, and I know a number of people with whom I served, or I know served in other wars whom I would consider patriots.  They are a mixture of liberal and conservatives – so why do I see only predominantly conservative people use the term to describe themselves or others of their ilk?
So I looked up the definition of Patriot:

Definition Merriam Webster: a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

Now I am really confused, because all those aforementioned people were, and to my knowledge are, prepared to defend this country.  Then it hit me and hit me hard… every country has patriots and not all love the United States.  There are Russian, Chinese and Korean patriots etc. 

So, my friends who – like me - served in the military and still hold that oath as strong as we did upon enlisting, are we patriots to the country because we live here or because of what it represents and founded upon… the Constitution and Amendments?  The oath (below) is for the armed forces.  The one used for the National Guard has an addition identifying the Governor of their state in addition to the President.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

So we are patriots to the United States because it is founded upon the Constitution and Amendments.  We aren’t defending the land because it’s called the United States we defend any land that falls under the purview of the Constitution and Amendments.

So its not “My country right or wrong” – its “My Constitution which is amended to reflect the will of a free and orderly people.” The latter are my words – my opinion.

The Constitution! A document like none other on the planet, that lives and breaths and changes with time as the will of the people change and grow.  That reflects not a mindset locked in a specific time or by a specific religion or ideology – but a document that reflects the will of the majority of people.  It takes 3/4ths  of the states to ratify an Amendment (currently 38 of 50) which works to ensure a minority of the people do not dictate their will over the majority. 

So you Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians – all and any party of people or individuals who believe in the Constitution and Amendments...  Start calling yourselves PATRIOTS.  Let’s not allow that term to reflect the myopic views of the few but the free will of the many and of a country founded upon one of the greatest documents in history.

I am a patriot!

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